Your Commitment
Support the Basel Chamber Orchestra as a friend, partner and sponsor.
The Basel Chamber Orchestra needs strong friends and supporters with whom it can turn its ideas into exciting concerts and projects. Become part of the success story of the Basel Chamber Orchestra as an enthusiastic partner or passionate friend and invest in an exclusive ensemble by supporting the Basel Chamber Orchestra as a friend, partner or sponsor.

Private Donor
Become a member of friends of Basel Chamber Orchestra or support the Basel Chamber Orchestra once for a project that is close to your heart.
Get involved in Basel as a city of music and support the Basel Chamber Orchestra as a sponsor.

Many thanks to our sponsors
The Basel Chamber Orchestra is proud and happy to be able to count major companies from the Basel region among its sponsors. Their support enables and ensures the sustained high artistic quality of the projects.
Media partners:
Further Partners:
Public contributions:
- Abteilung Kultur Basel-Stadt
- Swisslos-Fonds BS
- Freundeskreis Kammerorchester Basel
- Les amis passionnés
Stiftung Kammerorchester Basel | Joseph Haydn Stiftung Basel | Sulger Stiftung | Ernst Göhner Stiftung | GGG Gesellschaft für das Gute und Gemeinnützige
Dulcimer Fondation pour la Musique | Elisabeth Jenny Stiftung | Fondation Hoffmann | Fondation Nicati-de Luze | Fondation SUISA | Isaac Dreyfus-Bernheim Stiftung | Irma Merk Stiftung | Kurt Redel Stiftung | L & Th. La Roche Stiftung | Landis & Gyr Stiftung | MBF Foundation Lichtenstein | Parrotia Stiftung | Paul Sacher Stiftung | Pro Helvetia | Ruth und Paul Wallach Stiftung | Saly Frommer Foundation | Scheidegger-Thommen-Stiftung | Schweizerische Interpretenstiftung | Stiftung Primavera | Stiftung zur Förderung der Musik-Akademie | Thomi-Hopf-Stiftung | UBS-Kulturstiftung | Walter Senft / Gustav und Annetta Grisard Stiftung | Wilhelm und Ida Hertner-Strasser Stiftung
Weitere ungenannte Stiftungen, Förderer und Mäzene