Education Projects
The participatory cultural education projects of the Basel Chamber Orchestra promote understanding and appreciation of classical music.
Through active participation in the artistic process, prejudices can be broken down and connections built.

«Basel gyygt» and Basel Chamber Orchestra
Making music in an orchestra is already a big deal for professionals. How impressive it will be for children.
This season there will be two concert projects with the children of «Basel gyygt»:
At the subscription concert «Jauchzet, frohlocket» on 16.12.2024 and 17.12.2024, the children will be present in the Stadtcasino and play chorales from the Christmas Oratorio as well as Christmas carols on their instruments in the foyer.
From 18.30-18.45 in the foyer of the Stadtcasino.
«Basel gyygt“ is a project in which around 300 children of primary school age from 49 nations are taught the violin, viola, cello and double bass in weekly group lessons. The Basel Chamber Orchestra and «Basel gyygt» have been working closely together for some time, with musicians from the orchestra teaching at «Basel gyygt». In spring 2023, a first participatory educational project entitled «Chaos under the sky» took place with the participation of 35 children from «Basel gyygt» and 20 musicians from the Basel Chamber Orchestra.
With this positive experience, we are continuing the collaboration before the Christmas concerts.
«Basel gyygt Mozart»
Don Bosco, June 20, 2025, 7 p.m.
The children of «Basel gyygt» meet the musicians of the Basel Chamber Orchestra musically.
A concert with music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will take place at Don Bosco with the children from «Basel gyygt» together with the orchestra musicians. The children learn a Mozart piece in advance, which they will present on the concert stage that evening.
Then the orchestra joins in and the children sit next to the musicians in the large orchestra. They experience up close the energy that arises between the musicians and the wonderful experience of many individual instrumental voices coming together to make music. At the end, everyone makes music together - Mozart, of course!
After the concert, there will be time to meet and talk to the musicians, children and their families.

Contact person for education:
Eva Miribung